Meet the Team
Co-Organizers // Co-Conspirators
Creative-Theoretical Planning Committee
Taylor Pryor
Laura Caicedo
Amrita Chakraborty

Taylor Pryor's work critically examines how race, time, sexuality, and disability are implicated and rendered in various forms of media. She is particularly interested in representations of identity and the manner in which they inform, and are informed by, socio-political realities, and her current project explores Indigeneity in Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon franchise. She presented one of her papers, "'She a Phoenix': Queer Black Futurities in River Solomon's An Unkindness of Ghosts," at the 2021 Northeastern Modern Language Association conference, and her writing has been published in Prose Studies.
Laura Caicedo is a second year doctoral student in the Department of Literatures in English. Moving between Latinx literature and culture, queer of color critique, and women of color feminisms, their work considers time and space to imagine worlds otherwise. Nurturing a nascent love of poetry and its attendant creative practices, Laura’s work continues to develop alongside a deep engagement with the creative-theoretical.
Amrita Chakraborty is a Bangladeshi-American writer and PhD student in Comparative Literature at Cornell University. She currently focuses her research on transnational and Women of Color feminisms, decolonial studies, and queer of color critique. Her scholarly and creative writing has been published by the Latin American Literary Review, Kajal Magazine, Shade Literary Arts, and others. She is a blog correspondent with Half Mystic Journal and her microchapbook 'Cold Alchemy' was published by Ghost City Press in 2020. You can read more of her work at
Karina Beras
Lisa Camp

Karina Beras is a doctoral student in the department of Anthropology. Her work focuses on belonging and place-making within the context of statelessness in the Dominican Republic. She hails from the Bronx, NY and is excited to be in community with scholars whose works have helped extend her research into the realm of the creative.
Lisa is a scholar of Old and Middle English literature and culture, and comic book and graphic novel studies. Her previous work has focused on medieval English affective piety, medieval and modern visual culture, and the cruciform male body in medieval literature and superhero comics, and on affective codes of masculinity in Middle English alliterative chivalric literature and the Batman mythos. She is broadly interested in cultural “traces” in temporally distant media, and more specifically interested in what those traces reveal about cultural expectations for embodied and gendered experiences. Lisa’s work in superhero comics has been published in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics in Summer 2017, and cited in Batman and the Multiplicity of Identity: The Contemporary Comic Book Superhero as Cultural Nexus.